Child Custody

Child Custody & Visitation Lawyer Services

Whether you or a loved one is involved in a divorce or child custody matter, where you have a child or children but were not married, who you choose to represent you may be the difference between getting the best result. We provide customized options based upon your uniques situation. As your life may have special circumstances, we listen and help formulate a plan that is best for you and your children’s needs. Children in particular can be adversely affected by the break-up of their parents’ relationship. During this difficult transition, you need to have the best possible legal representation you can find. Child Custody is a key aspect to break up of married or non-married people. A parent needs very good legal advise when physical custody will be a factor in custody or divorce matter.

Custody is very often confused with physical placement of minor children. Legal Custody or Custody generally refers to who makes major life decisions regarding the children such as health, welfare, education and other important aspects of the children’s lives. Physical custody or placement refers to who will have the children at any given point. Primary Placement or custodial parent refers to the parent that has the majority of the time with one parent versus the other. These are just a few of the terms that we can discuss at an initial consultation.

A an experienced RI or MA divorce/child custody attorney can help you progress through this period with as little trauma as possible to you and your already stressed family.

Contact Rhode Island Child Custody Lawyer Rui Alves for a FREE initial consultaion at:
(401) 942-3100 or EMAIL now.

Rhode Island Family Court Custody Matters

The Family Court in the State of RI requires all parents of minor children who are seeking a divorce to attend a seminar called “Divided yet united”. This is designed to further support young children and help parents put their children first throughout the divorce process. All too often adults lose sight of the importance and the magnitude of the loss a child feels when their parents separate.

This does not imply that staying in an unhealthy or unhappy relationship is any better a situation for young children, only that those parents, in their own emotional unrest, often fail to realize that their children are suffering as well.

In particular, divorcing adults need to focus on custody issues carefully. After talking to a RI divorce lawyer and getting the information you need, you will be better able to help your children understand what will happen, and why. Discussing arrangements with those children who are old enough to understand, and comforting younger ones, is very important to the emotional health of everyone involved in the divorce.

Older children may want to be involved in the decisions of where they live and how often they visit with the absent parent. Younger ones will be relieved to know that they will not be ‘losing’ a parent, and will still be able to see and talk to the absent parent whenever they want.

The RI Family Court has very distinct guidelines where children are concerned. Child support obligations are taken very seriously, and are based upon financial percentages for both parties. Custody of minor children is not solely granted to mothers anymore either, as fathers are having more influence in the care of their children now as well.

In most cases where both parents are stable and healthy, joint custody of the children is awarded to the parties. Physical placement decisions can stem from a variety of factors including but not limited to, where the children want to live, who is best able to care for the children, and who will be remaining in the marital domicile.

Rhode Island law also states that reasonable visitation schedules should be granted to the non-custodial parent in nearly all circumstances.Typically parents are free to visit with their children at times that are mutually agreed to by both parents. It is best when they can agree on a visitation schdule without a contest for visitation rights and the involvement of a custody lawyer.

When some parents’ communication is poor, or animosity is high, resolving visitation issues is impossible. In other instances, the conduct of one of the parents is so disruptive that limited or supervised visitation is required to protect a child often arranged by a custody attorney.

The custody and visitation laws in the State of RI can be very involved and confusing. If you are getting a divorce, and have small children and custody or child support issues, you will need to consult a Rhode Island child custody attorney for advice and representation in your divorce proceeding.

Contact Rhode Island Child Custody Lawyer Rui Alves for a FREE initial consultaion at:
(401) 942-3100 or EMAIL now.

Massachusetts Family Court Custody Matters

Massachusetts courts have a similar view as their RI counter-parts when it comes to children involved in divorce proceedings. Every effort has been made to ensure that parents remain focused not on themselves exclusively, and give heed to the needs and desires of their children as well during the divorce process.

The default child custody arrangement in MA is joint custody. In some instances, especially those involving alcohol, violence or substance abuse, these arrangements will be modified to suit the health and welfare of the children. For the most part however, Bristol County Massachusetts courts like to see parents making every effort to get along amicably for the purposes of sharing the responsibilities for raising their children including medical decisions, school participation and religious influences.

The custody and visitation laws in the State of MA can also be complex and intimidating. If you are getting a divorce, and have small children or are currently disputing custody rights or child support issues, you will need to consult a Massachusetts child custody lawyer for advice and representation in your divorce proceeding.

Contact Massachusetts Child Custody and Visitation Lawyer Rui Alves for a FREE initial consultaion at: (401) 942-3100 or EMAIL now.


Staying in an unhealthy or unhappy relationship is not a better a situation for children than the separation of their parents. The Courts simply want to convey that often parents, who are experiencing their own unrest, often fail to realize that their children are suffering as well.

In particular, divorcing adults need to focus on custody issues carefully. After talking to a RI or MA divorce lawyer and getting the information you need, you will be better able to help your children understand what will happen, and why. Discussing arrangements with those children who are old enough to understand, and comforting younger ones, is very important to the emotional health of everyone involved in the divorce.

Older children may want to be involved in the decisions of where they live and how often they visit with the absent parent. Younger ones will be relieved to know that they will not be ‘losing’ a parent, and will still be able to see and talk to the absent parent whenever they want.

In most cases where both parents are stable and healthy, joint custody of the children is awarded to the parties. Physical placement decisions can stem from a variety of factors including but not limited to, where the children want to live, who is best able to care for the children, and who will be remaining in the marital domicile.

The custody laws in both the State of RI and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can be very involved and confusing. If you are getting a divorce in either the State of Rhode Island or the Commonwealth of MA, and have small children and custody or child support issues, you will need to consult a qualified divorce attorney in your jurisdiction for advice and representation in your divorce proceeding. Attorney Rui P. Alves has extensive experience with all of these areas and is ready to explain during a free office consultation.

Whether you need help obtaining child support, dealing with restraining orders, or getting a divorce, Attorney Alves can help. From his office in East Providence, Attorney Alves helps clients in Providence, Warwick, Johnston, Kingstown, East Greenwich, Kent County, Washington County, Providence County, and all across Rhode Island & Masschussetts.

FREE initial consultation is available. Please call (401) 942-3100 or email to get yours today.